Group Description:
Population: Male/ Female/ Non-Binary/ Fluid etc. , early/mid 20’s to late 30’s who feel “disconnected” (interpersonally, career-wise, familial, etc.) Those who struggle with meeting new people, feel emotionally distant in current relationships they already have, feel ambivalent about remaining in NYC. Those who suffer from “social battery drainage” and those who crave more social activity. All sexual orientations welcome.
-Open group, limited to 6-8 people, beginning June.
Frequency and location: In-Person, Park Slope Wednesday weekly from 7-8:45pm.
Purpose: To become able to relate better with others and to feel better about themselves. To mindfully pay attention to their thoughts, feelings, and reactions as they occur moment to moment as the group takes place and to report on what they notice
- Noticemoreclearlytheemotionalpatternsandthoughts(thementalscripts)that guide our behavior but often occur at the edge of our awareness.
- Learnabouttherelationalpatternswearepronetocreatingwithothersandwhywe create these patterns.
- Developgreaterflexibilityinhowwerelatetoourselvesandothers.
- Deepenourempathyforothers’experiences.
- Developtheabilitytoexperienceandunderstandwhatisgoingoninourmindsandbodies without immediately acting upon what we experience: Responsive vs. Reactive.
Helpful for those who:
- Often feeling angry, frustrated, or dissatisfied in relationships
- Having difficulty trusting others
- Struggling to forge close (or meaningful) relationships
- Feeling that one often has to please others
- Relying on alcohol or drugs to socialize
- Struggling to communicate one’s thoughts, feelings, and needs directly
- Being controlling (or easily controlled) in relationships
- Feeling that one’s relationships are shallow
- Experiencing anxiety in social situations
- Frequently experiencing loneliness
- Manipulating others to get one’s needs met
- Having trouble with self-esteem
Group Flyer: